Saturday, December 31, 2005

Geisha bag...

Found it at So pretty!!! Should i get it? hehe. consider consider!
i am so scared that it will be another moment of impulse. hee.. I have so many bags to go around le. But it is no harm just getting another one more right? hehe... Posted by Picasa

In the midst of churning out my NEw year resolutions

Heee.. Seems like everyone is have new year resolutions. I am also going to have one too.

Top of the list
1) Pass my driving in march
kinda hard, based on my current driving phobia. But i promise I will try and be hardworking! haa. Must eat up my fears!! Be brave, gal!

2) Study hard and play hard!
To study hard for my final and last semester.. I will aim to achieve 90%of what I have learnt! Haa.. Imagine what I have been doing for the past few semester..hehe

3) Keep fit
Huixian, yifan and suqi, we must go for a jog or gym at least once every week ok? Hee.. Can make homemade meals after that too! Wow so healthy! hee...

4) Treasure my time and spend it wisely
Life will be busy once i start working so I must start treasuring the time with my loved ones and friends... Although i cant say I am not doing that right now.. heee... Contradicting!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Links to play...

You Are Internal - Realist - Empowered

You feel your life is controlled internally.
If you want something, you make it happen.
You don't wait around for things to go your way.
You value your independence and don't like others to have control.

You are a realist when it comes to luck.
You don't attribute everything to luck, but you do know some things are random.
You don't beat yourself up when bad things happen to you...
But you do your best to try to make your own luck.

You have a good deal of power, but you also know the pecking order.
You realize that working the system does get you further.
You know who to defer to and who to control.
When it comes to the game of life, you play things flawlessly.

You Are Chubby Hubby Ice Cream

So there's more of you to love... a whole lot more!

Haa... So conicidental.. I tried this before! hee. tHANk huixian for these fun links

Sunday, December 25, 2005

A day on board the yatch

It turned out to be something like a sea chalet. Hee... The yatch was much smaller than I expected. I was expecting some luxurious cruise, but come to think of it there are only 8 of us ++ some other crews so the yatch could not be so big afterall.

We took some anti sea sickness pills before we boarding. Games like majhong, x box and poker were what we played last night. Star gazing was fun too. I tried capturing some of the stars on my camera but it failed. It was a very laid back and cozy night with the breeze blowing gently on the face... Hee. I did not realise that sleeping on the yatch was quite comfortable.

Ed and I turned in at about 2 plus cos we were just too tired. With the yatch slowly moving along the waves, you felt as if you are being cuddled to bed. QUite a nice feeling. However, I was disturbed when the yatch got shaky due to the lightning. I tried sitting up but got dizzy... SO i went back to my beautiful sleep. Haaa. seems like i spent most of my day sleeping away. hehe.

Our plans of watching the sunrise was ruined due to the bad weather.. But overall we did had fun... Thank gen!!! Posted by Picasa

My precious tinket JR

Here you go... The tinket JR... Posted by Picasa

Love is in the air!

I am the proud owner of Tungsten E2, a PDA... SO happy!!!

But the thing I am more happy and touched is that it was Ed who bought that for me. He took out all his savings just to get that PDA for me! Such a sweet and lovely act... He did that just because he knew that I would like to have a PDA for my birthday.

When i first saw the 512mb memory stick and the price on it (which was what he gave me first), I think I looked kind of disappointed. My mind simply went," Oh no, he's paying so much for a stuff that I really got not much use." Haaa. he told me that he got me a memory stick so that I can take more photos when I blog.. Such a good excuse right? hee. Next, he drew out the PDA from his bag. I was stunned and overwhelmed. I just did not know how to react... SHould i accept the gift? It was too expensive for me to accept... though I was completely blown over by his act.

He could be a woodblock at times, but sometimes his gesture and acts really caught me by surprise. I know that he is not that kind of people who is expressive in his words. But still he's unique and special in his own way and manner. I loved him for his sincerity and his zeal in life.

I reached a conclusion at the end of this... In a relationship, you care more about other and whenever u see the other is happy, you will feel happy too.. Love is just infectious!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

IS Christmas!!!!

In a *twink twink* of an eye... Christmas is here! haa.. I just listened to some christmas songs. It does make one feel happy and cheerful. For those out there who are trying to get in the mood of Christmas, try listening to some ok? Heee. My classic favourite is the following:

" I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus Underneath the mistletoe last night. She didn't see me creep Down the stairs to have a peep; She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom fast asleep.

Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus Underneath his beard so snowy white; Oh, what a laugh it would have been If Daddy had only seen Mommy kissing Santa Claus last night. "

Always found this song to be a bit cheeky and cute..

Monday, December 19, 2005

A fun and happy day..

My most satisfied results throughout my NTU life... heee. I am contented as my efforts finally pays off... *twink twink*

Today got to know of a few interesting calculator games.. Quite fun. Did not know that calculator can be a games tool! heee. You can play horse betting and guessing game on it.. quite fun. I taught my mum how to play and she is now addicted to it.. Haaa.. so funny..

Tell me if you all are interested to play ok? hehe...

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The sweet box with a mirror

Comes in 2 colours: pink and black... Quite interesting right? Hee.. Bought it at Citilink. It cost $3.90 for 50 sweets. Posted by Picasa

My new pair of heels

Bought this at a steal ( think it cost $15 or $20) ... I was on my way to my friend's birthday party when i chanced upon this pair of heels at White sands. The store was having a warehouse sale. Hee...

I had a fulfiliing weekend. I managed to survive through 2 days of driving... Went to shop at Bugis, Citilink and Sun tec... Bought some stickers and a sweet which is very cute. There is a mirror inside the sweet box.. Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 16, 2005


I was out having lunch with my senior and his friend. (actually, I was more of like tagging along. Hehe…) It was quite interesting to hear their conversation, which revolves around work and friends. They mentioned about future job prospects and some work related “terminology”, which I found it quite technically challenging. (cos I don’t really understand what they were talking about.)

It was then it crossed my mind, “What would happen to me few years down the road?”
“Will I be discussing some FRS or standards over lunch with my friends? Hehe. Sound quite pro right?” Haha… Think all these come with years of experience. But on second thoughts, Will I really transform into someone who knows my stuff? *gee*

Time waits for no one. I must start thinking of a way to make my life enriching and meaningful. Any suggestions? I admire those friends of mine who know what they want in life. Though they may not have much paper qualifications, they have the drive and courage to push for what they want. Whereas for me, I am like following the norm and not having a mind of my own. Hopefully I have make the right choice in getting into the audit line. But I guess, it is always never to late to change. Some people just take a longer route to reach their final destination...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Eat the right food at the right place

There's simply such a logic: Eat the right food at the right place.

Tanjong pagar market: Can eat sliced fish bee hoon, lor mee, cannot eat porridge.
To eat porridge, must go maxwell market. Ths was what my senior told me today. heHe. Found it quite funny and interesting. Haha. All along, I only thought that you have to say the right thing at the right time. hehe..

Had lunch at Maxwell today. Ate char kway teow. tasted not bad... hehe. There was such a long queue at the fish porridge stall at MAxwell. Think must be really nice. HEhe. If got the chance, will queue for it next time.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Another shopping day

Skipped my driving today for shopping. Think I am just incorrigible. Hee...

Got myself another white elle bag at OG orchard today. Hehe... Mum sponsor me for that. *Thank mummy* hehe...

Oh yah, the clarks original were so pretty. (but kinda expensive relative to the birkens that I bought) hehe.. After 20 % discount is about $90 plus. I thought they will work well as driving shoes. (These days I am coming up with all sorts of reasons to justify my purchases.. hehe.) But those pairs of shoes were so so comfortable.. Maybe if I got that cash to spare, i may just buy it. hehe.

Mummy bought some chocolates for Christmas at MArks and Spencer. Simply indulgence!

Gotta sleep or else will be another walking zombie...

Qualified to wear?

Such an interesting pair of t-shirt. Hehe.. Gen found it online at aeropostale. Think she is getting one for herself. Haha. somehow think I am not yet there to wear it!

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Midnight shopping at Marina square

My shopping accomplishment today:

1) a brown top
2) a silver bag.. (so pretty. Luckily I bought it or else will sure regret... )

Quite little right? Actually, I was eyeing on the URS covered heels and this body shop ocean mist. But i was thinking I dont really need those, especially when my current covered heels are killing me.

Haha. I still remember the incident when my hall mates and I went for the Big 4 networking night:

We were fully guarded and protected! Plasters, scholl leather pads and stockings... very kua zhang right? hehe... But I still ended up being a victim of the pointed heels. I resorted to walking barefooted back to my hostel! ( beacuse that was faster and we were trying to catch the 9 o'clock drama) *twinks twinks*

Though today was not really a fruitful shopping trip, I enjoyed the company with wenting, gen, zhen shi and qian hui. Oh ya, a very funny thing happen today! I must mention that ( gen dont scold me oh!! haha... ) She was trying out shoes at the URS when she started out exclaiming:" Where is my other pair of heels? THose are URS too!" haha... she started frantically searching her shoes. gUESS what!!! She was actually holding on to her pair all the while! diao...

I cant wait to go shopping again. Hehe. and I must indeed get hold of a nice and pretty black cardigian. Any suggestions? (sobz.. I have been searching it for ages...)

Gourmet wine cellar

See the cute cute little girls' room on the middle left.. Give it a shot and guess what exactly is it? Hehe...This is actually the sign of the washroom. How innovative and interesting!

My ratings for Gourmet wine cellar located at river valley road:

Ambience: 4/5 (Spacious and cosy)
Food: 3/5 (I don't really like the main course and the dessert was too sweet for my liking)
Service: 4/5 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 10, 2005

SO excited!! A food blog!

Yup yup.. We are the pioneers of our very own food blog. Thank gen, for spending the effort and time in designing it. hee..

I just cant help but log in again to write some stuff on our coming food blog.. hehe. Took some photos today (on Food!! ) hehe.. Hope the photos will turn out pretty. hehe...

Stay tune for more nice food updates @

On jobs... Credit to my senior...

Finally get to go to client place.. Though did mundane stuff, I was happy.. HEhe.. No need to use brain one.. Just did some compiling and keying of data. I will be attached to this company for the rest of my internship.

Luckily I have a good senior, eng seng. Must give some credits to him for bringing me around to eat cheap and good food. Haha... Now I realise the place near raffles place and tanjong pagar are so so big!! I will just get lost in that "maze". It was indeed an eyeopener. Lucky me! Get to meet so any good people out there. I still kinda miss my ex-audit sisters and frenzs too! Will be missing an opportunity to meet up with them on this coming christmas eve as I will be on an yatch. But I guess distance will just make the heart grows fonder? (the statement should be correct hehe)

I am so thankful for all of them for rendering the upmost help when I need it. The glimpse of audit field that they have given me have helped me anticipate my coming "working world".

Last night was my department christmas party... Hang in there for some photos to be loaded!!!

Gotta go zzz le so tired... *At least I finished my typing for my weekend "homework"!!**

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Really hard...

You know it is real hard trying to act busy.. hehe..

My whole body is aching now. I think i am just not cut out for desk bound jobs.. Cant wait to go out for audits.. at least i will get to move about with a purpose. Till now, I am aimlessly reading the piles of workpapers.. Dont really understand what I read. Hehe..

Oh yah, I was looking around when i saw the PwC building towering across hong leong building. Maybe is because I am only at the third level.. Hehe.. Initally I only noticed the market street carpark which was at my eye level.. Somehow it is telling me to aim high!!! hehe..

Is another new day

Sitting by the window facing the traffic light. Maybe today I wont doze off cos people are just streaming and walking hastily just down the street...

But the bad thing is the windows here do reflect. So imagine if i indeed doze off.. the people sitting nearby will be able to see me.. hhehe

Looking forward to my lunch outing with jason and dinner with my bf and his friend.. Have never seen his friend before..

Is another new day!!!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Meaningful quotes

Too bored.. So went to the main website. Found some quotes that are pretty meaningful.

* I haven't failed. I've found 10,000 ways that dont work*

*What lies in front of us and what lies behind us is insignificant compared to what lies within us*

*Nobody really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy*
~Cynthia Nelms~

*It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.*
~Theodore roosevelt~

*Take the first step in faith. You dont have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step* My favourite quote

*Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.*
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~


Vintage: the theme for KPMG christmas party.. I am looking forward to it this friday.. Hehe.

Check out this website. The dresses there quite pretty.. hehe.

Have to go back to work le...

Monday, December 05, 2005

IF only...

If only... I am not working, then life will be so relaxing. No early mornings for me, but on second thoughts, would i have the $$ to spare? MAybe not...

Today i had such a boring day in office that i have lost count how many times i doze off. hehe... My senior was not around so i have to make do with reading the piles of prior year workpapers. SOsososos boring!!! I was counting down to the time that i can knock off. hehe.. Time was simply crawling... Imagine i have to spend my days like this till wed when my senior is then back from his exam leave. I just cant imagine it. Arrrg...

Yeap yeap, tml meeting up with suqi and yifan for lunch. My perks for tomorrow.. hehe.. Think we should have quite a bit to catch up with.

Monday blues + boring work = Sickness
Down with a bad sorethroat. Hope tomorrow will feel better..

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Big 4 Interviews

YEap yeap, I got in for PwC... For the past few days, I was feeling quite blue as I did not get any replies from PwC. Initially was kind of nervous, especially when all my peers have received positive offers. It was more of the thought of what exactly I did wrong at the interview. Did I comment on something that I should not say? These thoughts just keep haunting me.

But I got a pleasant surprise when I got home, when I spotted this package lying at my house's extended balconly. I simply went, "Oh my gosh, what was that? Dont tell me PwC sent a package just to tell me that I got rejected?"

Actually I have more of a mixed feeling upon receiving the package. This has widen my choice of selection and I am just confused about which I should choose. I will seriously give it a thought on what I really want in life..

I am really fortunate to be in my group at KPMG now. Unlike my peers who have been working till the wee hours of the night, I manage to knock off at 540p.m. punctually for the past two working days. Tomorrow will be on-job, hopefully the client will be nice and I wont be so blur blur.. HEhe..